92 + French Pick Up Lines And Rizz

When it comes to the art of flirting, French pick up lines have a certain charm that is hard to resist. Known for their romantic language, the French have mastered the art of seduction. Whether you’re looking to impress someone on Tinder, make a girl blush, or simply have fun with witty lines, these French pick up lines will add a touch of elegance to your game. 

Below, we have categorized the lines into various sections to suit different occasions and preferences. Dive in and find the perfect line to use!

Funny French Pick Up Lines

Humor is a great way to break the ice. These funny French pick up lines are sure to bring a smile to your crush’s face:

  • “Es-tu un magicien ? Parce que dès que je te vois, tout disparaît.” (Are you a magician? Because whenever I look at you, everything else disappears.)
  • “Ton père est un voleur ? Parce qu’il a volé toutes les étoiles du ciel pour les mettre dans tes yeux.” (Is your father a thief? Because he stole all the stars from the sky to put them in your eyes.)
  • “Tu dois être fatiguée, car tu as couru dans mes pensées toute la journée.” (You must be tired because you’ve been running through my mind all day.)
  • “Si tu étais un légume, tu serais une carotte… Je t’aime trop !” (If you were a vegetable, you’d be a carrot… because I love you so much!)
  • “Excuse-moi, j’ai perdu mon numéro de téléphone, est-ce que je peux emprunter le tien ?” (Excuse me, I lost my phone number, can I borrow yours?)
  • “Tu sais à quoi tu ressembles ? La fille de mes rêves.” (Do you know what you look like? The girl of my dreams.)
  • “Es-tu un aimant ? Parce que tu m’attires comme personne.” (Are you a magnet? Because you attract me like no one else.)
  • “Est-ce que tu as une carte ? Je me perds toujours dans tes yeux.” (Do you have a map? I always get lost in your eyes.)
  • “Si être belle était un crime, tu serais en prison à vie.” (If being beautiful was a crime, you’d be in prison for life.)
  • “Si j’avais un euro pour chaque fois que je pense à toi, je serais millionnaire.” (If I had a euro for every time I thought of you, I’d be a millionaire.)
  • “Ton sourire doit être une licence d’arme, il est trop dangereux.” (Your smile must be a weapon license, it’s too dangerous.)
  • “J’ai l’impression de te connaître depuis toujours, tu dois être mon âme sœur.” (I feel like I’ve known you forever, you must be my soulmate.)
  • “Est-ce que tu crois au coup de foudre ou il faut que je repasse ?” (Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?)
  • “Tu es tellement douce que tu pourrais donner du diabète à une pâtisserie.” (You’re so sweet you could give diabetes to a pastry.)
  • “Excuse-moi, mais je crois que tu as quelque chose à moi… Mon cœur.” (Excuse me, but I think you have something of mine… My heart.)
  • Tinder French Pick Up Lines

Tinder is all about making a quick, strong impression. Here are some French pick up lines for Tinder that can help you stand out:

  • “Si j’étais un chat, je passerais mes neuf vies avec toi.” (If I were a cat, I’d spend my nine lives with you.)
  • “Es-tu une tour Eiffel ? Parce que je ne peux pas t’ignorer.” (Are you the Eiffel Tower? Because I can’t ignore you.)
  • “Tu es la raison pour laquelle je souris à mon téléphone.” (You’re the reason I smile at my phone.)
  • “Tu ressembles beaucoup à ma prochaine petite amie.” (You look a lot like my next girlfriend.)
  • “Ton sourire est plus lumineux que toutes les étoiles.” (Your smile is brighter than all the stars.)
  • “Si les baisers étaient des flocons de neige, je t’enverrais une tempête.” (If kisses were snowflakes, I’d send you a blizzard.)
  • “Mon bonheur commence avec toi et finit jamais.” (My happiness starts with you and never ends.)
  • “Es-tu un ticket de métro ? Parce que je ne peux pas te laisser passer.” (Are you a metro ticket? Because I can’t let you pass.)
  • “Tu n’es pas Google, mais tu es tout ce que je recherche.” (You’re not Google, but you’re everything I’m searching for.)
  • “Ton nom doit être Coca, car tu es tellement addictive.” (Your name must be Coca-Cola, because you’re so addictive.)
  • “Excuse-moi, tu as une carte ? Parce que je me perds toujours dans tes yeux.” (Excuse me, do you have a map? Because I always get lost in your eyes.)
  • “Si l’amour était un sport, tu serais mon but.” (If love were a sport, you’d be my goal.)
  • “Si tu étais une application, tu serais Tinder, parce que tu fais battre mon cœur plus vite.” (If you were an app, you’d be Tinder, because you make my heart race.)
  • “Est-ce que tu es un magicien ? Chaque fois que je te regarde, tout disparaît.” (Are you a magician? Every time I look at you, everything disappears.)
  • “Es-tu une carte du monde ? Parce que je suis perdu dans tes yeux.” (Are you a world map? Because I’m lost in your eyes.)
  • French Pick Up Lines for Her
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These French pick up lines are designed to impress and charm the special woman in your life:

  • “Je ne suis pas photographe, mais je peux nous imaginer ensemble.” (I’m not a photographer, but I can picture us together.)
  • “Si la beauté était une étoile, tu serais la galaxie entière.” (If beauty were a star, you’d be the whole galaxy.)
  • “Ton sourire illumine ma journée plus que le soleil.” (Your smile brightens my day more than the sun.)
  • “Chaque fois que je te vois, tu me fais perdre mes mots.” (Every time I see you, you leave me speechless.)
  • “Tu es la raison pour laquelle les roses ont des épines, pour que je puisse te reconnaître parmi elles.” (You are the reason roses have thorns, so I can recognize you among them.)
  • “Ton regard est comme une poésie que je ne me lasse pas de lire.” (Your gaze is like a poem I never tire of reading.)
  • “Si j’étais un artiste, tu serais ma muse.” (If I were an artist, you’d be my muse.)
  • “Ton rire est une mélodie qui égaye ma journée.” (Your laughter is a melody that brightens my day.)
  • “Es-tu un ange ? Parce que tu es tombée du ciel.” (Are you an angel? Because you fell from the sky.)
  • “Avec toi, chaque instant est une aventure magnifique.” (With you, every moment is a beautiful adventure.)
  • “Ton sourire pourrait guérir les cœurs les plus brisés.” (Your smile could heal the most broken hearts.)
  • “Si la perfection avait un nom, ce serait le tien.” (If perfection had a name, it would be yours.)
  • “Tu es le trésor que j’ai cherché toute ma vie.” (You are the treasure I’ve searched for all my life.)
  • “Chaque jour passé avec toi est comme un rêve devenu réalité.” (Every day spent with you is like a dream come true.)
  • “Ton amour est comme une douce mélodie qui résonne dans mon cœur.” (Your love is like a sweet melody that resonates in my heart.)
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Dirty French Pick Up Lines

For those looking for something a bit more provocative, these dirty French pick up lines will spice things up:

  • “Es-tu une sorcière ? Parce que tu ensorcelles mes nuits.” (Are you a witch? Because you bewitch my nights.)
  • “Ton corps est une œuvre d’art que je rêve de dessiner.” (Your body is a work of art I dream of drawing.)
  • “Si tu étais un dessert, je te goûterais toute la nuit.” (If you were a dessert, I’d taste you all night long.)
  • “Ton regard me déshabille plus vite que mes mains.” (Your gaze undresses me faster than my hands.)
  • “J’aimerais être ton miroir pour pouvoir te regarder tous les matins.” (I’d like to be your mirror so I can look at you every morning.)
  • “Je ne suis pas un génie, mais je peux réaliser tous tes vœux.” (I’m not a genie, but I can make all your wishes come true.)
  • “Ton parfum est plus enivrant que le meilleur des vins.” (Your scent is more intoxicating than the finest wine.)
  • “Tu es comme un bon livre, je veux te dévorer toute la nuit.” (You’re like a good book, I want to devour you all night long.)
  • “Si je pouvais te décrire avec une seule chose, ce serait une nuit passionnée.” (If I could describe you with one thing, it would be a passionate night.)
  • “Ton corps est comme une symphonie que je veux jouer.” (Your body is like a symphony I want to play.)
  • “Si j’étais un chat, je passerais mes neuf vies à te câliner.” (If I were a cat, I’d spend my nine lives cuddling you.)
  • “Ton sourire est la seule lumière dont j’ai besoin dans le noir.” (Your smile is the only light I need in the dark.)
  • “Ton amour est comme une flamme qui brûle en moi.” (Your love is like a flame that burns inside me.)
  • “Chaque nuit passée avec toi est un rêve érotique.” (Every night spent with you is an erotic dream.)
  • “Si je pouvais te décrire avec un mot, ce serait ‘irrésistible’.” (If I could describe you with one word, it would be ‘irresistible’.)

How to Create French Pick Up Lines

Creating your own French pick up lines can be a fun and creative way to express your feelings. Here are some tips to help you craft your own lines:

  • Start with a Compliment: Begin by complimenting something unique about the person. Example: “Tes yeux sont comme des étoiles dans la nuit.”
  • Use Humor: Adding a touch of humor can make your line memorable. Example: “Tu dois être un voleur, car tu as volé mon cœur.”
  • Be Original: Avoid clichés and try to come up with something unique. Example: “Ton sourire éclaire ma journée mieux que le soleil.”
  • Personalize It: Make the line relevant to the person you’re addressing. Example: “Avec toi, chaque moment est une aventure.”
  • Keep It Simple: Sometimes, less is more. Example: “Tu es magnifique.”
  • Add a Romantic Twist: Infuse some romance into your lines. Example: “Chaque jour avec toi est un rêve devenu réalité.”
  • Use Metaphors: Compare the person to something beautiful or impressive. Example: “Tu es comme une rose parmi les fleurs.”
  • Be Bold: Don’t be afraid to express your feelings strongly. Example: “Ton amour est la seule chose qui me rend heureux.”
  • Incorporate Cultural References: Use references that the person can relate to. Example: “Tu es la baguette à mon fromage.”
  • Stay Classy: Avoid being too explicit or inappropriate. Example: “Ton élégance est sans pareille.”
  • Play with Words: Use puns or wordplay to make your line clever. Example: “Tu es mon rayon de soleil dans un monde nuageux.”
  • Be Sincere: Genuine lines often have the most impact. Example: “Je n’ai jamais rencontré quelqu’un comme toi.”
  • Use Literary References: Quotes or references to literature can add depth. Example: “Tu es la Juliette à mon Roméo.”
  • Be Playful: Show your fun side. Example: “Si l’amour était un jeu, tu serais mon niveau préféré.”
  • Practice Makes Perfect: The more you try, the better you’ll get. Example: “Chaque jour, je trouve une nouvelle raison de t’aimer.”
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About French Pick Up Lines

Understanding the nuances of French pick up lines can help you use them more effectively. Here’s a deeper dive into what makes these lines so enchanting:

  • Romantic Language: French is often called the language of love. Its smooth sounds and poetic structure make it ideal for romantic expressions.
  • Cultural Context: Being aware of cultural references and norms can make your lines more meaningful. Example: Mentioning the Eiffel Tower can invoke a sense of romanticism.
  • Historical Influence: French literature and cinema have a long history of romance, which influences modern pick up lines.
  • Elegance and Wit: French pick up lines often combine elegance with wit, making them charming and sophisticated.
  • Intonation: The way you deliver the line can make a huge difference. A gentle tone can make a simple line sound romantic.
  • Body Language: Complement your pick up line with appropriate body language to enhance its effect.
  • Authenticity: Authentic lines that reflect your true feelings are often more effective.
  • Occasions: Different lines suit different occasions. Knowing when to use which type can increase your success rate.
  • Practice: Practicing your lines can help you deliver them more naturally.
  • Feedback: Pay attention to the other person’s response and adjust accordingly.
  • Confidence: Confidence is key. Deliver your lines with self-assurance.
  • Adaptability: Be ready to adapt your lines based on the situation and the person’s reaction.
  • Humor: A touch of humor can make your lines more memorable and enjoyable.
  • Simplicity: Sometimes, the simplest lines are the most effective..


French pick up lines have a unique charm that can make any encounter more special. From humorous and lighthearted to deeply romantic, these lines can help you express your feelings in a captivating way. Whether you’re trying to impress someone on Tinder, charm a special woman, or spice things up with a more provocative line, the right pick up line can make all the difference. Remember, the key to a successful pick up line is confidence, sincerity, and the right delivery.

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